My First Post!
Hey, girlies! Welcome to my website. This is my first entry on this blog. Intros all around, my name is Paisleigh, she/her. I won't be sharing my age, but I am over 18. I like makeup, skincare, shopping, and music. People often tell me how beautiful I am, so I decided to share my beauty advice on this blog, among other places. I will share advice on makeup, skincare, and how I became the perfect anti-aging girly typing this.
It may be a while before I can add proper links to the sidebar, but please enjoy your stay on this site.
How I Never Age!

Hey, girlies! In this post, I will be teaching you how I never age. What is aging, anyway? Aging is the process of getting ugly, gross wrinkles on your face that make you into the monster we call a 'grown woman.' How do you get rid of wrinkles? What causes aging? The truth is, once you have wrinkles only botox can get rid of them, so prevention really is the best medicine. According to Google, the number one cause of aging is UV radiation. Sunlight is the biggest source of UV rays, so if you don't want to be destroyed by UV rays you should never go outside. If you really need to go outside —if you can't afford to Doordash all your groceries for example— you should only go outside at night where there are no UV rays. Pretend you're a vampire; sexy, immortal, and deathly allergic to the sun.
Many wrinkles, tech-neck and smile lines for example, are caused by repetitive movements. I saw a TikTok last year of a girl in her 30's explaining how she taught her facial muscles to stop moving. I, of course, took her advice to heart, because I may be perfect but I can't afford preventative botox. She even said in that TikTok that people think she got botox, when she didn't get it yet. If you don't want smile lines, never smile. If you don't want tech-neck, never bend it. If you don't want forehead wrinkles, never move it. I don't even risk wrinkling my hands by bending them or typing. These posts are written by speech-to-text.
Now, let's talk skincare! You have probably have been dying to know what you can buy in order to never age. Of course, you can never go outside and train your face to stop moving, but if you want to intensify those menthods, you should add retinol to your skincare routine. I reccomend using the AlphaRet Night Cream. It may be pricy, but botox is pricier. Of course, your diet is the best skincare routine, always eat all-natural foods, never eat sugar, salt, or any artificial sweeteners. If you feel joy from eating, there's probably something in your food that's aging you. I hope you find my advice helpful. As always, remember to never stress about aging, because that only ages you faster.